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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/11/13 20:27:05

美国耶鲁大学Craig R. Brodersen等研究人员合作发现,液压故障是早期维管束植物木质部网络演化的主要驱动力。相关论文于2022年11月11日发表在《科学》杂志上。




Title: Hydraulic failure as a primary driver of xylem network evolution in early vascular plants

Author: Martin Bouda, Brett A. Huggett, Kyra A. Prats, Jay W. Wason, Jonathan P. Wilson, Craig R. Brodersen

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-11

Abstract: The earliest vascular plants had stems with a central cylindrical strand of water-conducting xylem, which rapidly diversified into more complex shapes. This diversification is understood to coincide with increases in plant body size and branching; however, no selection pressure favoring xylem strand-shape complexity is known. We show that incremental changes in xylem network organization that diverge from the cylindrical ancestral form lead to progressively greater drought resistance by reducing the risk of hydraulic failure. As xylem strand complexity increases, independent pathways for embolism spread become fewer and increasingly concentrated in more centrally located conduits, thus limiting the systemic spread of embolism during drought. Selection by drought may thus explain observed trajectories of xylem strand evolution in the fossil record and the diversity of extant forms.

DOI: add2910

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.add2910


