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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/10/16 19:16:49

日本名古屋大学Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi课题组发现,肽配体介导植物生长与胁迫反应之间的权衡。2022年10月14日,国际知名学术期刊《科学》发表了这一成果。




Title: Peptide ligand-mediated trade-off between plant growth and stress response

Author: Mari Ogawa-Ohnishi, Tomohide Yamashita, Mitsuru Kakita, Takuya Nakayama, Yuri Ohkubo, Yoko Hayashi, Yasuko Yamashita, Taizo Nomura, Saki Noda, Hidefumi Shinohara, Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi

Issue&Volume: 2022-10-14

Abstract: Deciding whether to grow or to divert energy to stress responses is a major physiological trade-off for plants surviving in fluctuating environments. We show that three leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases (LRR-RKs) act as direct ligand-perceiving receptors for PLANT PEPTIDE CONTAINING SULFATED TYROSINE (PSY)-family peptides and mediate switching between two opposing pathways. By contrast to known LRR-RKs, which activate signaling upon ligand binding, PSY receptors (PSYRs) activate the expression of various genes encoding stress response transcription factors upon depletion of the ligands. Loss of PSYRs results in defects in plant tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stresses. This ligand-deprivation–dependent activation system potentially enables plants to exert tuned regulation of stress responses in the tissues proximal to metabolically dysfunctional damaged sites where ligand production is impaired.

DOI: abq5735

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq5735


