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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/10/16 19:12:39

美国Quantum-Si公司Brian D. Reed等研究人员合作实现集成半导体设备上的实时动态单分子蛋白质测序。相关论文于2022年10月14日发表在《科学》杂志上。





Title: Real-time dynamic single-molecule protein sequencing on an integrated semiconductor device

Author: Brian D. Reed, Michael J. Meyer, Valentin Abramzon, Omer AdPhD, Omer Ad, Pat Adcock, Faisal R. Ahmad, Gün Alppay, James A. Ball, James Beach, Dominique Belhachemi, Anthony Bellofiore, Michael Bellos, Juan Felipe Beltrán, Andrew Betts, Mohammad Wadud Bhuiya, Kristin Blacklock, Robert Boer, David Boisvert, Norman D. Brault, Aaron Buxbaum, Steve Caprio, Changhoon Choi, Thomas D. Christian, Robert Clancy, Joseph Clark, Thomas Connolly, Kathren Fink Croce, Richard Cullen, Mel Davey, Jack Davidson, Mohamed M. Elshenawy, Michael Ferrigno, Daniel Frier, Saketh Gudipati, Stephanie Hamill, Zhaoyu He, Sharath Hosali, Haidong Huang, Le Huang, Ali Kabiri, Gennadiy Kriger, Brittany Lathrop, An Li, Peter Lim, Stephen Liu, Feixiang Luo, Caixia Lv, Xiaoxiao Ma, Evan McCormack, Michele Millham, Roger Nani, Manjula Pandey, John Parillo, Gayatri Patel, Douglas H. Pike, Kyle Preston, Adeline Pichard-Kostuch, Kyle Rearick, Todd Rearick, Marco Ribezzi-Crivellari, Gerard Schmid, Jonathan Schultz, Xinghua Shi, Badri Singh, Nikita Srivastava, Shannon F. Stewman, TR Thurston, T. R. Thurston, Philip Trioli, Jennifer Tullman, Xin Wang, Yen-Chih Wang, Eric A. G. Webster, Zhizhuo Zhang, Jorge Zuniga, Smita S. Patel, Andrew D. Griffiths, Antoine M. van Oijen, Michael McKenna, Matthew D. Dyer, Jonathan M. Rothberg

Issue&Volume: 2022-10-14

Abstract: Studies of the proteome would benefit greatly from methods to directly sequence and digitally quantify proteins and detect posttranslational modifications with single-molecule sensitivity. Here, we demonstrate single-molecule protein sequencing using a dynamic approach in which single peptides are probed in real time by a mixture of dye-labeled N-terminal amino acid recognizers and simultaneously cleaved by aminopeptidases. We annotate amino acids and identify the peptide sequence by measuring fluorescence intensity, lifetime, and binding kinetics on an integrated semiconductor chip. Our results demonstrate the kinetic principles that allow recognizers to identify multiple amino acids in an information-rich manner that enables discrimination of single amino acid substitutions and posttranslational modifications. With further development, we anticipate that this approach will offer a sensitive, scalable, and accessible platform for single-molecule proteomic studies and applications.

DOI: abo7651

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo7651


