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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/10/16 18:43:23

美国麻省理工学院和哈佛大学的布罗德研究所Fei Chen和Catherine J. Wu共同合作近期取得重要工作进展,他们通过研究T细胞受体和转录组的空间图谱,揭示了适应性免疫反应中不同的免疫生态位及其相互作用。该项研究成果2022年10月11日在线出版于《免疫》杂志上。

确定组织中T细胞克隆型的空间分布对理解T细胞行为至关重要,但空间测序方法仍然无法对TCR库进行分析。研究人员开发了一种10 μm分辨率的Slide-TCR-seq方法,对完整组织中的整个转录组和TCRs进行测序。研究小组证实了Slide-TCR-seq能够定位小鼠脾脏中T细胞及其受体的特征位置。




Title: Spatial maps of T cell receptors and transcriptomes reveal distinct immune niches and interactions in the adaptive immune response

Author: Sophia Liu, J. Bryan Iorgulescu, Shuqiang Li, Mehdi Borji, Irving A. Barrera-Lopez, Vignesh Shanmugam, Haoxiang Lyu, Julia W. Morriss, Zoe N. Garcia, Evan Murray, David A. Reardon, Charles H. Yoon, David A. Braun, Kenneth J. Livak, Catherine J. Wu, Fei Chen

Issue&Volume: 2022/10/11

Abstract: T cells mediate antigen-specific immune responses to disease through the specificityand diversity of their clonotypic T cell receptors (TCRs). Determining the spatialdistributions of T cell clonotypes in tissues is essential to understanding T cellbehavior, but spatial sequencing methods remain unable to profile the TCR repertoire.Here, we developed Slide-TCR-seq, a 10-μm-resolution method, to sequence whole transcriptomesand TCRs within intact tissues. We confirmed the ability of Slide-TCR-seq to map thecharacteristic locations of T cells and their receptors in mouse spleen. In humanlymphoid germinal centers, we identified spatially distinct TCR repertoires. ProfilingT cells in renal cell carcinoma and melanoma specimens revealed heterogeneous immuneresponses: T cell states and infiltration differed intra- and inter-clonally, andadjacent tumor and immune cells exhibited distinct gene expression. Altogether, ourmethod yields insights into the spatial relationships between clonality, neighboringcell types, and gene expression that drive T cell responses.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.09.002

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(22)00415-0


