法国蒙彼利埃大学Arnaud Bertrand研究组发现温暖且缺氧的洪堡海流系统中的鱼类较小。相关论文发表在2022年1月7日出版的《科学》杂志上。
他们利用秘鲁沿海北部洪堡海流系统的沉积物重建了最近一次全球暖期(最后一次间冰期;距今 130 至 11.6 万年)的鱼类群落和海洋条件,秘鲁是小型远洋鱼类生产力的热点地区。
Title: Smaller fish species in a warm and oxygen-poor Humboldt Current system
Author: Renato Salvatteci, Ralph R. Schneider, Eric Galbraith, David Field, Thomas Blanz, Thorsten Bauersachs, Xavier Crosta, Philippe Martinez, Vincent Echevin, Florian Scholz, Arnaud Bertrand
Issue&Volume: 2022-01-07
Abstract: Climate change is expected to result in smaller fish size, but the influence of fishing has made it difficult to substantiate the theorized link between size and ocean warming and deoxygenation. We reconstructed the fish community and oceanographic conditions of the most recent global warm period (last interglacial; 130 to 116 thousand years before present) by using sediments from the northern Humboldt Current system off the coast of Peru, a hotspot of small pelagic fish productivity. In contrast to the present-day anchovy-dominated state, the last interglacial was characterized by considerably smaller (mesopelagic and goby-like) fishes and very low anchovy abundance. These small fish species are more difficult to harvest and are less palatable than anchovies, indicating that our rapidly warming world poses a threat to the global fish supply.
DOI: abj0270