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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/1/30 23:29:02

美国西北大学 Neil L. Kelleher和Josh Levitsky共同合作取得重要进展,他们绘制了人类血细胞蛋白质变体图谱,并进一步研究了蛋白变体图谱的临床应用价值。这一研究成果于2022年1月28日在线发表在《科学》杂志上。





Title: The Blood Proteoform Atlas: A reference map of proteoforms in human hematopoietic cells

Author: Rafael D. Melani, Vincent R. Gerbasi, Lissa C. Anderson, Jacek W. Sikora, Timothy K. Toby, Josiah E. Hutton, David S. Butcher, Fernanda Negro, Henrique S. Seckler, Kristina Srzenti, Luca Fornelli, Jeannie M. Camarillo, Richard D. LeDuc, Anthony J. Cesnik, Emma Lundberg, Joseph B. Greer, Ryan T. Fellers, Matthew T. Robey, Caroline J. DeHart, Eleonora Forte, Christopher L. Hendrickson, Susan E. Abbatiello, Paul M. Thomas, Andy I. Kokaji, Josh Levitsky, Neil L. Kelleher

Issue&Volume: 2022-01-28

Abstract: Human biology is tightly linked to proteins, yet most measurements do not precisely determine alternatively spliced sequences or posttranslational modifications. Here, we present the primary structures of ~30,000 unique proteoforms, nearly 10 times more than in previous studies, expressed from 1690 human genes across 21 cell types and plasma from human blood and bone marrow. The results, compiled in the Blood Proteoform Atlas (BPA), indicate that proteoforms better describe protein-level biology and are more specific indicators of differentiation than their corresponding proteins, which are more broadly expressed across cell types. We demonstrate the potential for clinical application, by interrogating the BPA in the context of liver transplantation and identifying cell and proteoform signatures that distinguish normal graft function from acute rejection and other causes of graft dysfunction.

DOI: aaz5284

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aaz5284


