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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/1/23 13:22:28

澳大利亚麦考瑞大学Joseph M. Maina研究团队发现保护连通性有助于成功地保护生物多样性和渔业。相关论文发表在2022年1月21日出版的《科学》杂志上。

他们结合了幼虫传播网络的空间信息和人类压力评估来测试连通性对生态系统服务提供的重要性。他们发现,从高度连接的扩散走廊接收幼虫的珊瑚礁与鱼类的丰度有关。一般来说,幼虫“汇”所含的鱼类生物量是“源”的两倍,并且在受到保护时表现出对人类压力的更大抵抗力。尽管它们具有支持生物多样性持久性和可持续渔业的潜力,但多达 70% 的重要分散走廊和源礁仍未受到保护,这强调需要加强对连接良好的珊瑚礁网络的保护。



Title: Protecting connectivity promotes successful biodiversity and fisheries conservation

Author: Luisa Fontoura, Stephanie D’Agata, Majambo Gamoyo, Diego R. Barneche, Osmar J. Luiz, Elizabeth M. P. Madin, Linda Eggertsen, Joseph M. Maina

Issue&Volume: 2022-01-21

Abstract: The global decline of coral reefs has led to calls for strategies that reconcile biodiversity conservation and fisheries benefits. Still, considerable gaps in our understanding of the spatial ecology of ecosystem services remain. We combined spatial information on larval dispersal networks and estimates of human pressure to test the importance of connectivity for ecosystem service provision. We found that reefs receiving larvae from highly connected dispersal corridors were associated with high fish species richness. Generally, larval “sinks” contained twice as much fish biomass as “sources” and exhibited greater resilience to human pressure when protected. Despite their potential to support biodiversity persistence and sustainable fisheries, up to 70% of important dispersal corridors, sinks, and source reefs remain unprotected, emphasizing the need for increased protection of networks of well-connected reefs.

DOI: abg4351

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg4351


