作者: 小柯机器人发布时间:2021/9/5 12:14:07

韩国大学Ji Hoon Ahn研究组揭示细胞膜中的成花素隔离调节温度响应的开花过程。该项研究成果发表在2021年9月3日出版的《科学》上。

他们展示了拟南芥移动成花素植物开花位点 T (FT) 与细胞膜上带负电荷的磷脂磷脂酰甘油 (PG) 相互作用并结合脂质双层。韧皮部伴细胞中PG生物合成的扰动导致对温度不敏感的早期开花。低温促进 FT 在伴随细胞的细胞膜中的隔离,从而降低可溶性 FT 水平并延迟开花。磷脂酰甘油磷酸合成酶1 中的突变体在较低温度下积累了更多的可溶性 FT,并表现出降低的温度敏感性。因此,细胞膜通过其结合磷脂 PG 的能力隔离 FT,这种隔离调节植物对温度变化的反应。



Title: Florigen sequestration in cellular membranes modulates temperature-responsive flowering

Author: Hendry Susila, Snjeana Juri, Lu Liu, Katarzyna Gawarecka, Kyung Sook Chung, Suhyun Jin, Soo-Jin Kim, Zeeshan Nasim, Geummin Youn, Mi Chung Suh, Hao Yu, Ji Hoon Ahn

Issue&Volume: 2021-09-03

Abstract: Plants respond to temperature changes by modulating florigen activity to optimize the timing of flowering. We show that the Arabidopsis thaliana mobile florigen FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) interacts with the negatively charged phospholipid phosphatidylglycerol (PG) at cellular membranes and binds the lipid bilayer. Perturbing PG biosynthesis in phloem companion cells leads to temperature-insensitive early flowering. Low temperatures facilitate FT sequestration in the cellular membrane of the companion cell, thus reducing soluble FT levels and delaying flowering. A mutant in PHOSPHATIDYLGLYCEROLPHOSPHATE SYNTHASE 1 accumulates more soluble FT at lower temperatures and exhibits reduced temperature sensitivity. Thus, cellular membranes sequester FT through their ability to bind the phospholipid PG, and this sequestration modulates the plant’s response to temperature changes.

DOI: abh4054


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