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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/8/29 16:02:24

英国MRC分子生物学实验室Ramanujan S. Hegde研究小组发现监测蛋白酶体组装过程中失败的质量控制因子。2021年8月27日,国际知名学术期刊《科学》发表了这一成果。




Title: Identification of a quality-control factor that monitors failures during proteasome assembly

Author: Eszter Zavodszky, Sew-Yeu Peak-Chew, Szymon Juszkiewicz, Ana J. Narvaez, Ramanujan S. Hegde

Issue&Volume: 2021/08/27

Abstract: In eukaryotic cells, half of all proteins function as subunits within multiprotein complexes. Imbalanced synthesis of subunits leads to unassembled intermediates that must be degraded to minimize cellular toxicity. Here, we found that excess PSMC5, a subunit of the proteasome base, was targeted for degradation by the HERC1 ubiquitin ligase in mammalian cells. HERC1 identified unassembled PSMC5 by its cognate assembly chaperone PAAF1. Because PAAF1 only dissociates after assembly, HERC1 could also engage later assembly intermediates such as the PSMC4-PSMC5-PAAF1 complex. A missense mutant of HERC1 that causes neurodegeneration in mice was impaired in the recognition and ubiquitination of the PSMC5-PAAF1 complex. Thus, proteasome assembly factors can serve as adaptors for ubiquitin ligases to facilitate elimination of unassembled intermediates and maintain protein homeostasis.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abc6500

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6558/998

