美国波士顿学院地球与环境科学系Paul K. Strother研究组发现陆生植物起源于轮藻的化石记录。2021年8月13日出版的《科学》发表了这项成果。
他们描述了一种 Tremadocian(早奥陶世,约 480 亿年前(Ma))组合,其中包含寒武纪和新生胚生孢子元素,这在胚生藻与其藻类祖先之间提供了一个新的进化连续性水平。 这一发现表明,分子系统发育信号保留了胚胎发育基因组获得的潜在进化历史,这一历史可能始于埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪,但直到志留纪中期(约 430 Ma)才完成。
研究人员表示,表明胚胎植物起源于大约 5 Ma在寒武纪期间的分子时间树与植物化石的记录不一致,后者在近 8000 万年后首次出现在志留纪中期。这个时间差距归因于缺少化石植物记录,但这归因于掩盖了化石孢子的情况。
Title: A fossil record of land plant origins from charophyte algae
Author: Paul K. Strother, Clinton Foster
Issue&Volume: 2021/08/13
Abstract: Molecular time trees indicating that embryophytes originated around 500 million years ago (Ma) during the Cambrian are at odds with the record of fossil plants, which first appear in the mid-Silurian almost 80 million years later. This time gap has been attributed to a missing fossil plant record, but that attribution belies the case for fossil spores. Here, we describe a Tremadocian (Early Ordovician, about 480 Ma) assemblage with elements of both Cambrian and younger embryophyte spores that provides a new level of evolutionary continuity between embryophytes and their algal ancestors. This finding suggests that the molecular phylogenetic signal retains a latent evolutionary history of the acquisition of the embryophytic developmental genome, a history that perhaps began during Ediacaran-Cambrian time but was not completed until the mid-Silurian (about 430 Ma).
DOI: 10.1126/science.abj2927
Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6556/792