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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/7/4 14:23:42

英国约翰因斯中心冯小琦课题组揭示看护细胞来源的小 RNA 定义了拟南芥中的父本表观遗传。相关论文于2021年7月2日发表于国际顶尖学术期刊《科学》。

他们证明从精母细胞到精子的雄性生殖系中的基因甲基化是由 24 个核苷酸的小干扰 RNA (siRNA) 建立的,这些小干扰 RNA (siRNA) 从具有不完美序列同源性的转座子转录而来。 这些 siRNA 由精母细胞看护细胞 (绒毡层) 通过 CLSY3 的活性合成,CLSY3 是其他花药细胞中不存在的染色质重塑子。绒毡层siRNA 控制整个基因组中的种系甲基化,包括精子中的遗传甲基化模式。绒毡层来源的 siRNA 还可以沉默种系转座子,从而保护基因组的完整性。他们的结果表明,绒毡层siRNA 足以重建种系甲基化模式,并在整个雄性种系中驱动功能性甲基化重编程。

据介绍,植物雄性种系经历 DNA 甲基化重编程,并从头甲基化基因,从而改变基因表达并调节减数分裂。他们揭示了这种重编程背后的分子机制。


Title: Nurse cell-–derived small RNAs define paternal epigenetic inheritance in Arabidopsis

Author: Jincheng Long, James Walker, Wenjing She, Billy Aldridge, Hongbo Gao, Samuel Deans, Martin Vickers, Xiaoqi Feng

Issue&Volume: 2021/07/02

Abstract: The plant male germline undergoes DNA methylation reprogramming, which methylates genes de novo and thereby alters gene expression and regulates meiosis. Here, we reveal the molecular mechanism underlying this reprogramming. We demonstrate that genic methylation in the male germline, from meiocytes to sperm, is established by 24-nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) transcribed from transposons with imperfect sequence homology. These siRNAs are synthesized by meiocyte nurse cells (tapetum) through activity of CLSY3, a chromatin remodeler absent in other anther cells. Tapetal siRNAs govern germline methylation throughout the genome, including the inherited methylation patterns in sperm. Tapetum-derived siRNAs also silence germline transposons, safeguarding genome integrity. Our results reveal that tapetal siRNAs are sufficient to reconstitute germline methylation patterns and drive functional methylation reprogramming throughout the male germline.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abh0556

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6550/eabh0556

