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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/7/31 23:07:36

日本东京农业技术大学Madoka Nakai等研究人员合作发现,水平传播的寄生虫杀伤因子塑造昆虫对寄生虫的防御能力。2021年7月30日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这项成果。




Title: Horizontally transmitted parasitoid killing factor shapes insect defense to parasitoids

Author: Laila Gasmi, Edyta Sieminska, Shohei Okuno, Rie Ohta, Cathy Coutu, Mohammad Vatanparast, Stephanie Harris, Doug Baldwin, Dwayne D. Hegedus, David A. Theilmann, Aki Kida, Mio Kawabata, Shiori Sagawa, Jun Takatsuka, Ken Tateishi, Kazuyo Watanabe, Maki N. Inoue, Yasuhisa Kunimi, Yonggyun Kim, Martin A. Erlandson, Salvador Herrero, Madoka Nakai

Issue&Volume: 2021/07/30

Abstract: Interkingdom competition occurs between hymenopteran parasitoids and insect viruses sharing the same insect hosts. It has been assumed that parasitoid larvae die with the death of the infected host or as result of competition for host resources. Here we describe a gene family, parasitoid killing factor (pkf), that encodes proteins toxic to parasitoids of the Microgastrinae group and determines parasitism success. Pkfs are found in several entomopathogenic DNA virus families and in some lepidopteran genomes. We provide evidence of equivalent and specific toxicity against endoparasites for PKFs found in entomopoxvirus, ascovirus, baculovirus, and Lepidoptera through a mechanism that elicits apoptosis in the cells of susceptible parasitoids. This highlights the evolutionary arms race between parasitoids, viruses, and their insect hosts.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb6396

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6554/535

