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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/7/2 13:52:18

美国华盛顿大学Cole Trapnell等研究人员合作开发出胚胎尺度的单细胞空间转录组学技术。相关论文于2021年7月2日发表在《科学》杂志上。





Title: Embryo-scale, single-cell spatial transcriptomics

Author: Sanjay R. Srivatsan, Mary C. Regier, Eliza Barkan, Jennifer M. Franks, Jonathan S. Packer, Parker Grosjean, Madeleine Duran, Sarah Saxton, Jon J Ladd, Malte Spielmann, Carlos Lois, Paul D. Lampe, Jay Shendure, Kelly R. Stevens, Cole Trapnell

Issue&Volume: 2021/07/02

Abstract: Spatial patterns of gene expression manifest at scales ranging from local (e.g., cell-cell interactions) to global (e.g., body axis patterning). However, current spatial transcriptomics methods either average local contexts or are restricted to limited fields of view. Here, we introduce sci-Space, which retains single-cell resolution while resolving spatial heterogeneity at larger scales. Applying sci-Space to developing mouse embryos, we captured approximate spatial coordinates and whole transcriptomes of about 120,000 nuclei. We identify thousands of genes exhibiting anatomically patterned expression, leverage spatial information to annotate cellular subtypes, show that cell types vary substantially in their extent of spatial patterning, and reveal correlations between pseudotime and the migratory patterns of differentiating neurons. Looking forward, we anticipate that sci-Space will facilitate the construction of spatially resolved single-cell atlases of mammalian development.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb9536

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6550/111

