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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/6/6 21:34:12

美国芝加哥大学Marcelo A. Nóbrega等研究人员合作发现,广泛的基因多效性和等位基因异质性介导IRX3和IRX5的代谢效果。2021年6月4日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这项成果。




Title: Extensive pleiotropism and allelic heterogeneity mediate metabolic effects of IRX3 and IRX5

Author: Débora R. Sobreira, Amelia C. Joslin, Qi Zhang, Iain Williamson, Grace T. Hansen, Kathryn M. Farris, Noboru J. Sakabe, Nasa Sinnott-Armstrong, Grazyna Bozek, Sharon O. Jensen-Cody, Kyle H. Flippo, Carole Ober, Wendy A. Bickmore, Matthew Potthoff, Mengjie Chen, Melina Claussnitzer, Ivy Aneas, Marcelo A. Nóbrega

Issue&Volume: 2021/06/04

Abstract: Whereas coding variants often have pleiotropic effects across multiple tissues, noncoding variants are thought to mediate their phenotypic effects by specific tissue and temporal regulation of gene expression. Here, we investigated the genetic and functional architecture of a genomic region within the FTO gene that is strongly associated with obesity risk. We show that multiple variants on a common haplotype modify the regulatory properties of several enhancers targeting IRX3 and IRX5 from megabase distances. We demonstrate that these enhancers affect gene expression in multiple tissues, including adipose and brain, and impart regulatory effects during a restricted temporal window. Our data indicate that the genetic architecture of disease-associated loci may involve extensive pleiotropy, allelic heterogeneity, shared allelic effects across tissues, and temporally restricted effects.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abf1008

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/372/6546/1085

