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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/5/8 16:15:33

加拿大多伦多大学Brenda Andrews、Charles Boone和美国明尼苏达大学双城分校Chad L. Myers合作取得最新进展。他们揭示了整体酵母遗传相互作用网络的环境稳健性。相关论文于2021年5月7日发表在《科学》杂志上。


据了解,与遗传变异相关的表型可以通过与其他遗传变异(GxG),与环境(GxE)或两者(GxGxE)的相互作用来改变。 酵母的遗传相互作用已在整体范围内进行了测绘,但尚未对环境对遗传网络可塑性的影响进行过系统的研究。


Title: Environmental robustness of the global yeast genetic interaction network

Author: Michael Costanzo, Jing Hou, Vincent Messier, Justin Nelson, Mahfuzur Rahman, Benjamin VanderSluis, Wen Wang, Carles Pons, Catherine Ross, Matej Uaj, Bryan-Joseph San Luis, Emira Shuteriqi, Elizabeth N. Koch, Patrick Aloy, Chad L. Myers, Charles Boone, Brenda Andrews

Issue&Volume: 2021/05/07

Abstract: Phenotypes associated with genetic variants can be altered by interactions with other genetic variants (GxG), with the environment (GxE), or both (GxGxE). Yeast genetic interactions have been mapped on a global scale, but the environmental influence on the plasticity of genetic networks has not been examined systematically. To assess environmental rewiring of genetic networks, we examined 14 diverse conditions and scored 30,000 functionally representative yeast gene pairs for dynamic, differential interactions. Different conditions revealed novel differential interactions, which often uncovered functional connections between distantly related gene pairs. However, the majority of observed genetic interactions remained unchanged in different conditions, suggesting that the global yeast genetic interaction network is robust to environmental perturbation and captures the fundamental functional architecture of a eukaryotic cell.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abf8424

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/372/6542/eabf8424

