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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/5/7 18:40:47

美国耶鲁大学Bhart-Anjan S. Bhullar小组的研究揭示了鸟状内耳的早期起源以及其与运动和发声演变的关系。相关论文发表在2021年5月7日出版的《科学》杂志上。




Title: The early origin of a birdlike inner ear and the evolution of dinosaurian movement and vocalization

Author: Michael Hanson, Eva A. Hoffman, Mark A. Norell, Bhart-Anjan S. Bhullar

Issue&Volume: 2021/05/07

Abstract: Reptiles, including birds, exhibit a range of behaviorally relevant adaptations that are reflected in changes to the structure of the inner ear. These adaptations include the capacity for flight and sensitivity to high-frequency sound. We used three-dimensional morphometric analyses of a large sample of extant and extinct reptiles to investigate inner ear correlates of locomotor ability and hearing acuity. Statistical analyses revealed three vestibular morphotypes, best explained by three locomotor categories—quadrupeds, bipeds and simple fliers (including bipedal nonavialan dinosaurs), and high-maneuverability fliers. Troodontids fall with Archaeopteryx among the extant low-maneuverability fliers. Analyses of cochlear shape revealed a single instance of elongation, on the stem of Archosauria. We suggest that this transformation coincided with the origin of both high-pitched juvenile location, alarm, and hatching-synchronization calls and adult responses to them.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb4305

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/372/6542/601

