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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/12/26 13:20:46

英国剑桥大学Yrjö Helariutta、美国纽约大学Kenneth D. Birnbaum和北卡罗来纳州立大学Rosangela Sozzani研究组合作的最新研究,通过对韧皮部发育细胞的逐层解剖发现组织成熟过程与细胞特化有关。相关论文发表在2021年12月24日出版的《科学》杂志上。




Title: Cell-by-cell dissection of phloem development links a maturation gradient to cell specialization

Author: Pawel Roszak, Jung-ok Heo, Bernhard Blob, Koichi Toyokura, Yuki Sugiyama, Maria Angels de Luis Balaguer, Winnie W. Y. Lau, Fiona Hamey, Jacopo Cirrone, Ewelina Madej, Alida M. Bouatta, Xin Wang, Marjorie Guichard, Robertas Ursache, Hugo Tavares, Kevin Verstaen, Jos Wendrich, Charles W. Melnyk, Yoshihisa Oda, Dennis Shasha, Sebastian E. Ahnert, Yvan Saeys, Bert De Rybel, Renze Heidstra, Ben Scheres, Guido Grossmann, Ari Pekka Mhnen, Philipp Denninger, Berthold Gttgens, Rosangela Sozzani, Kenneth D. Birnbaum, Yrj Helariutta

Issue&Volume: 2021-12-24

Abstract: In the plant meristem, tissue-wide maturation gradients are coordinated with specialized cell networks to establish various developmental phases required for indeterminate growth. Here, we used single-cell transcriptomics to reconstruct the protophloem developmental trajectory from the birth of cell progenitors to terminal differentiation in the Arabidopsis thaliana root. PHLOEM EARLY DNA-BINDING-WITH-ONE-FINGER (PEAR) transcription factors mediate lineage bifurcation by activating guanosine triphosphatase signaling and prime a transcriptional differentiation program. This program is initially repressed by a meristem-wide gradient of PLETHORA transcription factors. Only the dissipation of PLETHORA gradient permits activation of the differentiation program that involves mutual inhibition of early versus late meristem regulators. Thus, for phloem development, broad maturation gradients interface with cell-type-specific transcriptional regulators to stage cellular differentiation.

DOI: aba5531

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aba5531


