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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/12/11 22:34:52

英国诺里奇研究园约翰英尼斯中心E. Coen和美国康奈尔大学综合植物科学学院Michael J Scanlon团队合作,阐明原基伸展和叶柄-叶片重塑对草叶进化的影响。相关论文于2021年12月10日发表在《科学》杂志上。

他们根据发育遗传学和计算模型重新审视覆鞘叶起源问题。他们表明,鞘叶可能是通过 WOX 基因依赖性扩展跨越茎尖周围同心域的原始区域产生的。该区域内的模式生长,以两个极性场为导向,解释了野生型、突变体和花叶草叶片发育,而区域收缩和生长重塑解释了双子叶植物叶片发育。与流行的观点相反,他们的结果表明鞘来自叶柄,而叶片来自真双子叶植物的叶片,与 19 世纪提出的同源性一致。



Title: Evolution of the grass leaf by primordium extension and petiole-lamina remodeling

Author: A. E. Richardson, J. Cheng, R. Johnston, R. Kennaway, B. R. Conlon, A. B. Rebocho, H. Kong, M. J. Scanlon, S. Hake, E. Coen

Issue&Volume: 2021-12-10

Abstract: The sheathing leaf found in grasses and other monocots is an evolutionary innovation, yet its origin has been a subject of long-standing debate. Here, we revisit the problem in the light of developmental genetics and computational modeling. We show that the sheathing leaf likely arose through WOX-gene-dependent extension of a primordial zone straddling concentric domains around the shoot apex. Patterned growth within this zone, oriented by two polarity fields, accounts for wild-type, mutant and mosaic grass leaf development, whereas zone contraction and growth remodeling accounts for eudicot leaf development. In contrast to the prevailing view, our results suggest that the sheath derives from petiole, whereas the blade derives from the lamina of the eudicot leaf, consistent with homologies proposed in the 19th century.

DOI: abf9407

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abf9407


