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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/11/7 13:18:14

德国欧洲分子生物学实验室Detlev Arendt等研究人员合作剖析了海绵动物的细胞多样性,并为动物细胞类型和神经系统的进化提供了依据。该研究于2021年11月5日发表于国际一流学术期刊《科学》。





Title: Profiling cellular diversity in sponges informs animal cell type and nervous system evolution

Author: Jacob M. Musser, Klaske J. Schippers, Michael Nickel, Giulia Mizzon, Andrea B. Kohn, Constantin Pape, Paolo Ronchi, Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Alexander J. Tarashansky, Jrg U. Hammel, Florian Wolf, Cong Liang, Ana Hernández-Plaza, Carlos P. Cantalapiedra, Kaia Achim, Nicole L. Schieber, Leslie Pan, Fabian Ruperti, Warren R. Francis, Sergio Vargas, Svenja Kling, Maike Renkert, Maxim Polikarpov, Gleb Bourenkov, Roberto Feuda, Imre Gaspar, Pawel Burkhardt, Bo Wang, Peer Bork, Martin Beck, Thomas R. Schneider, Anna Kreshuk, Gert Wrheide, Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Yannick Schwab, Leonid L. Moroz, Detlev Arendt

Issue&Volume: 2021-11-05

Abstract: The evolutionary origin of metazoan cell types such as neurons and muscles is not known. Using whole-body single-cell RNA sequencing in a sponge, an animal without nervous system and musculature, we identified 18 distinct cell types. These include nitric oxide–sensitive contractile pinacocytes, amoeboid phagocytes, and secretory neuroid cells that reside in close contact with digestive choanocytes that express scaffolding and receptor proteins. Visualizing neuroid cells by correlative x-ray and electron microscopy revealed secretory vesicles and cellular projections enwrapping choanocyte microvilli and cilia. Our data show a communication system that is organized around sponge digestive chambers, using conserved modules that became incorporated into the pre- and postsynapse in the nervous systems of other animals.

DOI: abj2949

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abj2949


