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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/11/28 13:27:57

美国芝加哥大学 Luis B. Barreiro 研究团队取得一项新突破。他们发现了遗传祖先效应对病毒感染的应答是普遍性的,但具有细胞类型特异性。这项研究成果于2021年11月26日发表在《科学》杂志上。

研究人员对拥有欧洲和非洲血统的男性进行测试,采用单细胞RNA测序的方法来量化他们的外周血单核细胞对感染流感后的反应差异。他们发现遗传祖先效应是常见的,但具有高度的细胞类型特异性。较高的欧洲血统水平与早期感染中 I型干扰素途径活性的增加有关,这将能预测在之后的时间点病毒滴度会降低。大量群体相关的变异可以通过由遗传祖先来区分的Cis-表达数量性状基因座来解释。




Title: Genetic ancestry effects on the response to viral infection are pervasive but cell type specific

Author: Haley E. Randolph, Jessica K. Fiege, Beth K. Thielen, Clayton K. Mickelson, Mari Shiratori, Joo Barroso-Batista, Ryan A. Langlois, Luis B. Barreiro

Issue&Volume: 2021-11-26

Abstract: Humans differ in their susceptibility to infectious disease, partly owing to variation in the immune response after infection. We used single-cell RNA sequencing to quantify variation in the response to influenza infection in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from European- and African-ancestry males. Genetic ancestry effects are common but highly cell type specific. Higher levels of European ancestry are associated with increased type I interferon pathway activity in early infection, which predicts reduced viral titers at later time points. Substantial population-associated variation is explained by cis-expression quantitative trait loci that are differentiated by genetic ancestry. Furthermore, genetic ancestry–associated genes are enriched among genes correlated with COVID-19 disease severity, suggesting that the early immune response contributes to ancestry-associated differences for multiple viral infection outcomes.

DOI: abg0928

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg0928


