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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/10/17 17:26:17

美国索尔克生物研究所Eiman Azim研究组发现用于执行灵巧运动的触觉反馈调制。2021年10月15日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这项成果。




Title: Modulation of tactile feedback for the execution of dexterous movement

Author: James M. Conner, Andrew Bohannon, Masakazu Igarashi, James Taniguchi, Nicholas Baltar, Eiman Azim

Issue&Volume: 2021-10-15

Abstract: Although dexterity relies on the constant transmission of sensory information, unchecked feedback can be disruptive. Yet how somatosensory feedback from the hands is regulated and whether this modulation influences movement remain unclear. We found that mouse tactile afferents recruit neurons in the brainstem cuneate nucleus, whose activity is modulated by distinct classes of local inhibitory neurons. Manipulation of these inhibitory circuits suppresses or enhances the transmission of tactile information, which affects manual behaviors. Top-down cortical pathways innervate cuneate in a complementary pattern, with somatosensory cortical neurons targeting the core tactile region of cuneate and a large rostral cortical population driving feed-forward inhibition of tactile transmission through an inhibitory shell. These findings identify a circuit basis for tactile feedback modulation that enables the effective execution of dexterous movement.

DOI: abh1123

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abh1123


