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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/6/5 16:11:39

美国哈佛医学院Michael Springer团队宣布他们利用条形码微生物系统实现了对物质来源的高分辨率追踪。2020年6月5日出版的《科学》发表了这项成果。


该系统与SHERLOCK兼容,可实现广泛的应用。SHERLOCK是Cas13a RNA介导的核酸检测分析方法。



Title: Barcoded microbial system for high-resolution object provenance

Author: Jason Qian, Zhi-xiang Lu, Christopher P. Mancuso, Han-Ying Jhuang, Rocío del Carmen Barajas-Ornelas, Sarah A. Boswell, Fernando H. Ramírez-Guadiana, Victoria Jones, Akhila Sonti, Kole Sedlack, Lior Artzi, Giyoung Jung, Mohammad Arammash, Mary E. Pettit, Michael Melfi, Lorena Lyon, Sian V. Owen, Michael Baym, Ahmad S. Khalil, Pamela A. Silver, David Z. Rudner, Michael Springer

Issue&Volume: 2020/06/05

Abstract: Determining where an object has been is a fundamental challenge for human health, commerce, and food safety. Location-specific microbes in principle offer a cheap and sensitive way to determine object provenance. We created a synthetic, scalable microbial spore system that identifies object provenance in under 1 hour at meter-scale resolution and near single-spore sensitivity and can be safely introduced into and recovered from the environment. This system solves the key challenges in object provenance: persistence in the environment, scalability, rapid and facile decoding, and biocontainment. Our system is compatible with SHERLOCK, a Cas13a RNA-guided nucleic acid detection assay, facilitating its implementation in a wide range of applications.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aba5584

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6495/1135

