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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/2/3 9:23:10

半胱氨酸毒性通过改变铁稳态来引起与年龄相关的线粒体衰退,这一成果由美国犹他大学医学院的Adam L. Hughes小组近日报道。相关论文2020年1月23日发表在《细胞》上。



Title: Cysteine Toxicity Drives Age-Related Mitochondrial Decline by Altering Iron Homeostasis

Author: Casey E. Hughes, Troy K. Coody, Mi-Young Jeong, Jordan A. Berg, Dennis R. Winge, Adam L. Hughes

Issue&Volume: 2020/01/23

Abstract: Mitochondria and lysosomes are functionally linked, and their interdependent declineis a hallmark of aging and disease. Despite the long-standing connection between theseorganelles, the function(s) of lysosomes required to sustain mitochondrial healthremains unclear. Here, working in yeast, we show that the lysosome-like vacuole maintainsmitochondrial respiration by spatially compartmentalizing amino acids. Defects invacuole function result in a breakdown in intracellular amino acid homeostasis, whichdrives age-related mitochondrial decline. Among amino acids, we find that cysteineis most toxic for mitochondria and show that elevated non-vacuolar cysteine impairsmitochondrial respiration by limiting intracellular iron availability through an oxidant-basedmechanism. Cysteine depletion or iron supplementation restores mitochondrial healthin vacuole-impaired cells and prevents mitochondrial decline during aging. These resultsdemonstrate that cysteine toxicity is a major driver of age-related mitochondrialdeterioration and identify vacuolar amino acid compartmentation as a cellular strategyto minimize amino acid toxicity.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.12.035

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31397-2

