南非爆发的李斯特菌感染与加工肉类有关,这一成果由南非国家卫生实验局Juno Thomas研究组取得。2020年2月13日出版的《新英格兰医学杂志》发表了这项成果。
总之,在一个艾滋病感染率很高的中等收入国家,单核细胞增生李斯特菌在年轻孕妇、 妇女和艾滋病感染者中的感染率很高。全基因组测序有助于发现疫情,指导回溯调查,从而锁定源头。
Title: Outbreak of Listeriosis in South Africa Associated with Processed Meat
Author: Juno Thomas, M.D.,, Nevashan Govender, M.Sc., M.P.H.,, Kerrigan M. McCarthy, M.D.,, Linda K. Erasmus, M.D.,, Timothy J. Doyle, Ph.D.,, Mushal Allam, Ph.D.,, Arshad Ismail, Ph.D.,, Ntsieni Ramalwa, M.P.H.,, Phuti Sekwadi, M.P.H.,, Genevie Ntshoe, M.P.H.,, Andronica Shonhiwa, M.P.H.,, Vivien Essel, M.D.,, Nomsa Tau, M.S.,, Shannon Smouse, M.S.,, Hlengiwe M. Ngomane, M.T.,, Bolele Disenyeng, M.T.,, Nicola A. Page, Ph.D.,, Nelesh P. Govender, M.D.,, Adriano G. Duse, M.D.,, Rob Stewart, M.T.,, Teena Thomas, M.D.,, Deon Mahoney, M.S.,, Mathieu Tourdjman, M.D.,, Olivier Disson, Ph.D.,, Pierre Thouvenot, B.S.,, Mylène M. Maury, Ph.D.,, Alexandre Leclercq, M.S.,, Marc Lecuit, M.D., Ph.D.,, Anthony M. Smith, Ph.D.,, and Lucille H. Blumberg, M.D.
Issue&Volume: 2020-02-12
An outbreak of listeriosis was identified in South Africa in 2017. The source was unknown.
We conducted epidemiologic, trace-back, and environmental investigations and used whole-genome sequencing to type Listeria monocytogenes isolates. A case was defined as laboratory-confirmed L. monocytogenes infection during the period from June 11, 2017, to April 7, 2018.
A total of 937 cases were identified, of which 465 (50%) were associated with pregnancy; 406 of the pregnancy-associated cases (87%) occurred in neonates. Of the 937 cases, 229 (24%) occurred in patients 15 to 49 years of age (excluding those who were pregnant). Among the patients in whom human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status was known, 38% of those with pregnancy-associated cases (77 of 204) and 46% of the remaining patients (97 of 211) were infected with HIV. Among 728 patients with a known outcome, 193 (27%) died. Clinical isolates from 609 patients were sequenced, and 567 (93%) were identified as sequence type 6 (ST6). In a case–control analysis, patients with ST6 infections were more likely to have eaten polony (a ready-to-eat processed meat) than those with non-ST6 infections (odds ratio, 8.55; 95% confidence interval, 1.66 to 43.35). Polony and environmental samples also yielded ST6 isolates, which, together with the isolates from the patients, belonged to the same core-genome multilocus sequence typing cluster with no more than 4 allelic differences; these findings showed that polony produced at a single facility was the outbreak source. A recall of ready-to-eat processed meat products from this facility was associated with a rapid decline in the incidence of L. monocytogenes ST6 infections.
This investigation showed that in a middle-income country with a high prevalence of HIV infection, L. monocytogenes caused disproportionate illness among pregnant girls and women and HIV-infected persons. Whole-genome sequencing facilitated the detection of the outbreak and guided the trace-back investigations that led to the identification of the source.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1907462
Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1907462
The New England Journal of Medicine:《新英格兰医学杂志》,创刊于1812年。隶属于美国麻省医学协会,最新IF:70.67