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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/12/4 16:30:57

韩国建国大学Hoon Cheol Park和Hoang Vu Phan研究小组合作取得一项新突破。他们研究揭示了飞行甲虫和和扑翼机器人的碰撞恢复机制。2020年12月4日出版的《科学》发表了这项成果。

研究表明,在犀牛甲虫(Allomyrina dichotoma)中,折纸状褶皱在翅翼碰撞中起着至关重要的减震作用。 当翅翼与物体碰撞时,它会沿着褶皱塌陷并在一个冲程内弹回原位。碰撞因此得到缓解,这有助于甲虫迅速恢复飞行。研究人员在扑翼机器人中应用了甲虫翅翼的这种机制,从而使其在碰撞后能够安全飞行。



Title: Mechanisms of collision recovery in flying beetles and flapping-wing robots

Author: Hoang Vu Phan, Hoon Cheol Park

Issue&Volume: 2020/12/04

Abstract: At rest, beetles fold and tuck their hindwings under the elytra. For flight, the hindwings are deployed through a series of unfolding configurations that are passively driven by flapping forces. The folds lock into place as the wing fully unfolds and thereafter operates as a flat membrane to generate the aerodynamic forces. We show that in the rhinoceros beetle (Allomyrina dichotoma), these origami-like folds serve a crucial shock-absorbing function during in-flight wing collisions. When the wing collides with an object, it collapses along the folds and springs back in place within a single stroke. Collisions are thus dampened, helping the beetle to promptly recover the flight. We implemented this mechanism on a beetle-inspired wing on a flapping-wing robot, thereby enabling it to fly safely after collisions.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abd3285

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6521/1214


