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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/12/12 20:26:45

美国华盛顿州大学Andrew Storfer团队发现,塔斯马尼亚魔鬼中的可传播癌症逐渐变为局部传播。该研究于2020年12月11日发表于国际一流学术期刊《科学》。





Title: A transmissible cancer shifts from emergence to endemism in Tasmanian devils

Author: Austin H. Patton, Matthew F. Lawrance, Mark J. Margres, Christopher P. Kozakiewicz, Rodrigo Hamede, Manuel Ruiz-Aravena, David G. Hamilton, Sebastien Comte, Lauren E. Ricci, Robyn L. Taylor, Tanja Stadler, Adam Leaché, Hamish McCallum, Menna E. Jones, Paul A. Hohenlohe, Andrew Storfer

Issue&Volume: 2020/12/11

Abstract: Emerging infectious diseases pose one of the greatest threats to human health and biodiversity. Phylodynamics is often used to infer epidemiological parameters essential for guiding intervention strategies for human viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2). Here, we applied phylodynamics to elucidate the epidemiological dynamics of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD), a fatal, transmissible cancer with a genome thousands of times larger than that of any virus. Despite prior predictions of devil extinction, transmission rates have declined precipitously from ~3.5 secondary infections per infected individual to ~1 at present. Thus, DFTD appears to be transitioning from emergence to endemism, lending hope for the continued survival of the endangered Tasmanian devil. More generally, our study demonstrates a new phylodynamic analytical framework that can be applied to virtually any pathogen.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb9772

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6522/eabb9772

