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干细胞样CD8 T细胞介导抗肿瘤的过继性细胞免疫疗法
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/12/12 20:23:19

美国国立卫生研究院Steven A. Rosenberg研究小组发现,干细胞样CD8 T细胞介导抗肿瘤的过继性细胞免疫疗法。2020年12月11日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这项成果。





Title: Stem-like CD8 T cells mediate response of adoptive cell immunotherapy against human cancer

Author: Sri Krishna, Frank J. Lowery, Amy R. Copeland, Erol Bahadiroglu, Ratnadeep Mukherjee, Li Jia, James T. Anibal, Abraham Sachs, Serifat O. Adebola, Devikala Gurusamy, Zhiya Yu, Victoria Hill, Jared J. Gartner, Yong F. Li, Maria Parkhurst, Biman Paria, Pia Kvistborg, Michael C. Kelly, Stephanie L. Goff, Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, Paul F. Robbins, Steven A. Rosenberg

Issue&Volume: 2020/12/11

Abstract: Adoptive T cell therapy (ACT) using ex vivo–expanded autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) can mediate complete regression of certain human cancers. The impact of TIL phenotypes on clinical success of TIL-ACT is currently unclear. Using high-dimensional analysis of human ACT products, we identified a memory-progenitor CD39-negative stem-like phenotype (CD39CD69) associated with complete cancer regression and TIL persistence and a terminally differentiated CD39-positive state (CD39+CD69+) associated with poor TIL persistence. Most antitumor neoantigen-reactive TILs were found in the differentiated CD39+ state. However, ACT responders retained a pool of CD39 stem-like neoantigen-specific TILs that was lacking in ACT nonresponders. Tumor-reactive stem-like TILs were capable of self-renewal, expansion, persistence, and superior antitumor response in vivo. These data suggest that TIL subsets mediating ACT response are distinct from TIL subsets enriched for antitumor reactivity.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb9847

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6522/1328

