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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/1/29 16:38:31

法国里昂大学G. Ingram课题组近日取得一项新成果,他们发现种子和胚乳之间的双向分子对话是种子发育所需的。2020年1月24日,国际知名学术期刊《科学》发表了这一成果。

研究人员表明,硫酸化的多肽TWS1(TWISTED SEED1)是GASSHO的配体。表皮监视取决于枯草杆菌酶的作用,与TWS1前体和GASSHO受体不同,枯草杆菌酶不是在胚胎中产生,而是在邻近的胚乳中产生。枯草杆菌酶介导胚胎来源的TWS1前体加工,从而释放了活性肽,然后触发了胚胎中GASSHO依赖的表皮增强。因此,胚与胚乳之间的双向分子对话可确保发芽前表皮的完整性。
据了解,植物胚胎表皮是在种子发育过程中由胚胎从头沉积的疏水性屏障。发芽时,它可以保护幼苗免受水分流失,因此对于存活至关重要。胚胎表皮的形成是由ABNORMAL LEAF SHAPE1枯草杆菌酶和两个GASSHO受体样激酶信号通路所控制的。

Title: A two-way molecular dialogue between embryo and endosperm is required for seed development

Author: N. M. Doll, S. Royek, S. Fujita, S. Okuda, S. Chamot, A. Stintzi, T. Widiez, M. Hothorn, A. Schaller, N. Geldner, G. Ingram

Issue&Volume: 2020/01/24

Abstract: The plant embryonic cuticle is a hydrophobic barrier deposited de novo by the embryo during seed development. At germination, it protects the seedling from water loss and is, thus, critical for survival. Embryonic cuticle formation is controlled by a signaling pathway involving the ABNORMAL LEAF SHAPE1 subtilase and the two GASSHO receptor-like kinases. We show that a sulfated peptide, TWISTED SEED1 (TWS1), acts as a GASSHO ligand. Cuticle surveillance depends on the action of the subtilase, which, unlike the TWS1 precursor and the GASSHO receptors, is not produced in the embryo but in the neighboring endosperm. Subtilase-mediated processing of the embryo-derived TWS1 precursor releases the active peptide, triggering GASSHO-dependent cuticle reinforcement in the embryo. Thus, a bidirectional molecular dialogue between embryo and endosperm safeguards cuticle integrity before germination.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz4131

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/367/6476/431

