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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/9/6 14:15:55

抗生素引起的肠道微生物群紊乱改变了人类对疫苗的免疫力,这一成果由美国斯坦福大学Bali Pulendran小组取得。相关论文2019年9月5日发表在《细胞》上。




Title: Antibiotics-Driven Gut Microbiome Perturbation Alters Immunity to Vaccines in Humans

Author: Thomas Hagan, Mario Cortese, Nadine Rouphael, Carolyn Boudreau, Caitlin Linde, Mohan S. Maddur, Jishnu Das, Hong Wang, Jenna Guthmiller, Nai-Ying Zheng, Min Huang, Amit A. Uphadhyay, Luiz Gardinassi, Caroline Petitdemange, Michele Paine McCullough, Sara Jo Johnson, Kiran Gill, Barbara Cervasi, Jun Zou, Alexis Bretin, Megan Hahn, Andrew T. Gewirtz, Steve E. Bosinger, Patrick C. Wilson, Shuzhao Li, Galit Alter, Surender Khurana, Hana Golding, Bali Pulendran

Issue&Volume: Volume 178 Issue 6

Abstract: Emerging evidence indicates a central role for the microbiome in immunity. However, causal evidence in humans is sparse. Here, we administered broad-spectrum antibiotics to healthy adults prior and subsequent to seasonal influenza vaccination. Despite a 10,000-fold reduction in gut bacterial load and long-lasting diminution in bacterial diversity, antibody responses were not significantly affected. However, in a second trial of subjects with low pre-existing antibody titers, there was significant impairment in H1N1-specific neutralization and binding IgG1 and IgA responses. In addition, in both studies antibiotics treatment resulted in (1) enhanced inflammatory signatures (including AP-1/NR4A expression), observed previously in the elderly, and increased dendritic cell activation; (2) divergent metabolic trajectories, with a 1,000-fold reduction in serum secondary bile acids, which was highly correlated with AP-1/NR4A signaling and inflammasome activation. Multi-omics integration revealed significant associations between bacterial species and metabolic phenotypes, highlighting a key role for the microbiome in modulating human immunity.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.08.010

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30898-0

