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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/9/3 15:02:41

日本理化学研究所横滨综合医学中心Yasuhiro Murakawa和Hideya Kawaji课题组合作,利用NET-CAGE方法描述了人类顺式转录调控元件的动力学和拓扑结构。 2019年9月2日出版的《自然—遗传学》发表了这项成果。




Title: NET-CAGE characterizes the dynamics and topology of human transcribed cis -regulatory elements

Author: Shigeki Hirabayashi, Shruti Bhagat, Yu Matsuki, Yujiro Takegami, Takuya Uehata, Ai Kanemaru, Masayoshi Itoh, Kotaro Shirakawa, Akifumi Takaori-Kondo, Osamu Takeuchi, Piero Carninci, Shintaro Katayama, Yoshihide Hayashizaki, Juha Kere, Hideya Kawaji, Yasuhiro Murakawa

Issue&Volume: Volume 51 Issue 9

Abstract: Promoters and enhancers are key cis-regulatory elements, but how they operate to generate cell type-specific transcriptomes is not fully understood. We developed a simple and robust method, native elongating transcript–cap analysis of gene expression (NET-CAGE), to sensitively detect 5′ ends of nascent RNAs in diverse cells and tissues, including unstable transcripts such as enhancer-derived RNAs. We studied RNA synthesis and degradation at the transcription start site level, characterizing the impact of differential promoter usage on transcript stability. We quantified transcription from cis-regulatory elements without the influence of RNA turnover, and show that enhancer–promoter pairs are generally activated simultaneously on stimulation. By integrating NET-CAGE data with chromatin interaction maps, we show that cis-regulatory elements are topologically connected according to their cell type specificity. We identified new enhancers with high sensitivity, and delineated primary locations of transcription within super-enhancers. Our NET-CAGE dataset derived from human and mouse cells expands the FANTOM5 atlas of transcribed enhancers, with broad applicability to biomedical research.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-019-0485-9



Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:25.455
