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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/9/20 13:24:33

华盛顿大学医学院Jeffrey I. Gordon小组的最新研究揭示,物种间的竞争影响纤维聚糖从而对人类肠道细菌进行靶向调控。2019年9月19日出版的《细胞》杂志刊登了这一结果。




Title: Interspecies Competition Impacts Targeted Manipulation of Human Gut Bacteria by Fiber-Derived Glycans

Author: Michael L. Patnode, Zachary W. Beller, Nathan D. Han, Jiye Cheng, Samantha L. Peters, Nicolas Terrapon, Bernard Henrissat, Sophie Le Gall, Luc Saulnier, David K. Hayashi, Alexandra Meynier, Sophie Vinoy, Richard J. Giannone, Robert L. Hettich, Jeffrey I. Gordon

Issue&Volume: Volume 179 Issue 1


Development of microbiota-directed foods (MDFs) that selectively increase the abundance of beneficial human gut microbes, and their expressed functions, requires knowledge of both the bioactive components of MDFs and the mechanisms underlying microbe-microbe interactions. Here, gnotobiotic mice were colonized with a defined consortium of human-gut-derived bacterial strains and fed different combinations of 34 food-grade fibers added to a representative low-fiber diet consumed in the United States. Bioactive carbohydrates in fiber preparations targeting particular Bacteroides species were identified using community-wide quantitative proteomic analyses of bacterial gene expression coupled with forward genetic screens. Deliberate manipulation of community membership combined with administration of retrievable artificial food particles, consisting of paramagnetic microscopic beads coated with dietary polysaccharides, disclosed the contributions of targeted species to fiber degradation. Our approach, including the use of bead-based biosensors, defines nutrient-harvesting strategies that underlie, as well as alleviate, competition between Bacteroides and control the selectivity of MDF components.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.08.011

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30899-2

