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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/8 16:18:45

近日,清华大学柴继杰课题组与英国东安格利亚大学Cyril Zipfel课题组合作报道了植物中RALF多肽的受体识别分子机制。这一研究成果于2019年8月8日发表在国际顶尖学术期刊《自然》上。


研究人员表示,长春花(Catharanthus roseus)RLK1-like(CrRLK1L)家族的受体激酶已成为植物繁殖、生长和环境响应的重要调控者。内源性快速碱化因子(RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR,RALF)多肽被认为是CrRLK1L家族多个成员的配体。然而,这种识别的分子机制是未知的。




Title: Mechanisms of RALF peptide perception by a heterotypic receptor complex

Author: Yu Xiao, Martin Stegmann, Zhifu Han, Thomas A. DeFalco, Katarzyna Parys, Li Xu, Youssef Belkhadir, Cyril Zipfel, Jijie Chai

Issue&Volume: Volume 572 Issue 7768

Abstract: Receptor kinases of the Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like (CrRLK1L) family have emerged as important regulators of plant reproduction, growth and responses to the environment. Endogenous RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR (RALF) peptides have previously been proposed as ligands for several members of the CrRLK1L family. However, the mechanistic basis of this perception is unknown. Here we report that RALF23 induces a complex between the CrRLK1L FERONIA (FER) and LORELEI (LRE)-LIKE GLYCOSYLPHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL (GPI)-ANCHORED PROTEIN 1 (LLG1) to regulate immune signalling. Structural and biochemical data indicate that LLG1 (which is genetically important for RALF23 responses) and the related LLG2 directly bind RALF23 to nucleate the assembly of RALF23LLG1FER and RALF23LLG2FER heterocomplexes, respectively. A conserved N-terminal region of RALF23 is sufficient for the biochemical recognition of RALF23 by LLG1, LLG2 or LLG3, and binding assays suggest that other RALF peptides that share this conserved N-terminal region may be perceived by LLG proteins in a similar manner. Structural data also show that RALF23 recognition is governed by the conformationally flexible C-terminal sides of LLG1, LLG2 and LLG3. Our work reveals a mechanism of peptide perception in plants by GPI-anchored proteins that act together with a phylogenetically unrelated receptor kinase. This provides a molecular framework for understanding how diverse RALF peptides may regulate multiple processes, through perception by distinct heterocomplexes of CrRLK1L receptor kinases and GPI-anchored proteins of the LRE and LLG family.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1409-7

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1409-7


