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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/8 16:18:27

2019年8月8日,美国华盛顿大学David Baker研究组在《自然》发表论文,报道了生物活性蛋白开关的从头设计。




Title: De novo design of bioactive protein switches

Author: Robert A. Langan, Scott E. Boyken, Andrew H. Ng, Jennifer A. Samson, Galen Dods, Alexandra M. Westbrook, Taylor H. Nguyen, Marc J. Lajoie, Zibo Chen, Stephanie Berger, Vikram Khipple Mulligan, John E. Dueber, Walter R. P. Novak, Hana El-Samad, David Baker

Issue&Volume:  Volume 572 Issue 7768

Abstract: Allosteric regulation of protein function is widespread in biology, but is challenging for de novo protein design as it requires the explicit design of multiple states with comparable free energies. Here we explore the possibility of designing switchable protein systems de novo, through the modulation of competing inter- and intramolecular interactions. We design a static, five-helix cage with a single interface that can interact either intramolecularly with a terminal latch helix or intermolecularly with a peptide key. Encoded on the latch are functional motifs for binding, degradation or nuclear export that function only when the key displaces the latch from the cage. We describe orthogonal cagekey systems that function in vitro, in yeast and in mammalian cells with up to 40-fold activation of function by key. The ability to design switchable protein functions that are controlled by induced conformational change is a milestone for de novo protein design, and opens up new avenues for synthetic biology and cell engineering.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1432-8



