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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/30 17:27:40

美国密歇根大学X.Z. Shawn Xu研究组与中国华中科技大学Jianfeng Liu研究组合作发现一个由谷氨酸受体基因编码的寒冷感知受体。2019年8月29日,《细胞》在线发表了这一最新研究成果。




Title: A Cold-Sensing Receptor Encoded by a Glutamate Receptor Gene

Author: Jianke Gong, Jinzhi Liu, Elizabeth A. Ronan, Feiteng He, Wei Cai, Mahar Fatima, Wenyuan Zhang, Hankyu Lee, Zhaoyu Li, Gun-Ho Kim, Kevin P. Pipe, Bo Duan, Jianfeng Liu, X.Z. Shawn Xu

Issue&Volume: 29 August 2019

Abstract: In search of the molecular identities of cold-sensing receptors, we carried out an unbiased genetic screen for cold-sensing mutants in C. elegans and isolated a mutant allele of glr-3 gene that encodes a kainate-type glutamate receptor. While glutamate receptors are best known to transmit chemical synaptic signals in the CNS, we show that GLR-3 senses cold in the peripheral sensory neuron ASER to trigger cold-avoidance behavior. GLR-3 transmits cold signals via G protein signaling independently of its glutamate-gated channel function, suggesting GLR-3 as a metabotropic cold receptor. The vertebrate GLR-3 homolog GluK2 from zebrafish, mouse, and human can all function as a cold receptor in heterologous systems. Mouse DRG sensory neurons express GluK2, and GluK2 knockdown in these neurons suppresses their sensitivity to cold but not cool temperatures. Our study identifies an evolutionarily conserved cold receptor, revealing that a central chemical receptor unexpectedly functions as a thermal receptor in the periphery.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.07.034

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30833-5#

