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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/23 15:47:01

2019年8月22日出版的《细胞》报道了加拿大卡尔加里大学Donna L. Senger小组的最新成果,他们发现二肽酶-1是肺和肝内中性粒细胞募集的粘附受体。




Title: Dipeptidase-1 Is an Adhesion Receptor for Neutrophil Recruitment in Lungs and Liver

Author: Saurav Roy Choudhury,Liane Babes,Jennifer J. Rahn,Bo-Young Ahn.Kimberly-Ann R. Goring,Jennifer C. King,Arthur Lau,Björn Petri,Xiaoguang Hao,Andrew K. Chojnacki,Ajitha Thanabalasuriar,Erin F. McAvoy,Sébastien Tabariès,Christoph Schraeder,Kamala D. Patel,Peter M. Siegel,Karen A. Kopciuk,David C. Schriemer,Daniel A. Muruve,Margaret M. Kelly,Bryan G. Yipp,Paul Kubes,Stephen M. Robbins,Donna L. Senger 

Issue&Volume: Volume 178 Issue 5

Abstract: A hallmark feature of inflammation is the orchestrated recruitment of neutrophils from the bloodstream into inflamed tissue. Although selectins and integrins mediate recruitment in many tissues, they have a minimal role in the lungs and liver. Exploiting an unbiased in vivo functional screen, we identified a lung and liver homing peptide that functionally abrogates neutrophil recruitment to these organs. Using biochemical, genetic, and confocal intravital imaging approaches, we identified dipeptidase-1 (DPEP1) as the target and established its role as a physical adhesion receptor for neutrophil sequestration independent of its enzymatic activity. Importantly, genetic ablation or functional peptide blocking of DPEP1 significantly reduced neutrophil recruitment to the lungs and liver and provided improved survival in models of endotoxemia. Our data establish DPEP1 as a major adhesion receptor on the lung and liver endothelium and identify a therapeutic target for neutrophil-driven inflammatory diseases of the lungs.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.07.017

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30782-2

