细胞的主动迁移对肠上皮细胞的稳态更新至关重要,这一成果由法国巴黎文理研究大学Denis Krndija研究组近期取得。该论文于2019年8月16日发表在国际知名学术期刊《科学》上。
Title: Active cell migration is critical for steady-state epithelial turnover in the gut
Author: Denis Krndija, Fatima El Marjou, Boris Guirao, Sophie Richon, Olivier Leroy, Yohanns Bellaiche, Edouard Hannezo, Danijela Matic Vignjevic
Issue&Volume:Volume 365 Issue 6454
Abstract: Steady-state turnover is a hallmark of epithelial tissues throughout adult life. Intestinal epithelial turnover is marked by continuous cell migration, which is assumed to be driven by mitotic pressure from the crypts. However, the balance of forces in renewal remains ill-defined. Combining biophysical modeling and quantitative three-dimensional tissue imaging with genetic and physical manipulations, we revealed the existence of an actin-related protein 2/3 complex–dependent active migratory force, which explains quantitatively the profiles of cell speed, density, and tissue tension along the villi. Cells migrate collectively with minimal rearrangements while displaying dual—apicobasal and front-back—polarity characterized by actin-rich basal protrusions oriented in the direction of migration. We propose that active migration is a critical component of gut epithelial turnover.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aau3429