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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/15 13:34:55

SidJ-钙调蛋白催化的谷氨酸化抑制细菌泛素连接酶,这一成果由德国歌德大学Ivan Dikic、 Sagar Bhogaraju研究团队取得。该论文发表在2019年8月15日出版的国际学术期刊《自然》上。




Title: Inhibition of bacterial ubiquitin ligases by SidJ–calmodulin catalysed glutamylation

Author: Sagar Bhogaraju, Florian Bonn, Rukmini Mukherjee, Michael Adams, Moritz M. Pfleiderer, Wojciech P. Galej, Vigor Matkovic, Jaime Lopez-Mosqueda, Sissy Kalayil, Donghyuk Shin, Ivan Dikic

Issue&Volume: Volume 572 Issue 7769

Abstract: The family of bacterial SidE enzymes catalyses phosphoribosyl-linked serine ubiquitination and promotes infectivity of Legionella pneumophila, a pathogenic bacteria that causes Legionnaires disease13. SidE enzymes share the genetic locus with the Legionella effector SidJ that spatiotemporally opposes the toxicity of these enzymes in yeast and mammalian cells, through a mechanism that is currently unknown46. Deletion of SidJ leads to a substantial defect in the growth of Legionella in both its natural hosts (amoebae) and in mouse macrophages4,5. Here we demonstrate that SidJ is a glutamylase that modifies the catalytic glutamate in the mono-ADP ribosyl transferase domain of the SdeA, thus blocking the ubiquitin ligase activity of SdeA. The glutamylation activity of SidJ requires interaction with the eukaryotic-specific co-factor calmodulin, and can be regulated by intracellular changes in Ca2+ concentrations. The cryo-electron microscopy structure of SidJ in complex with human apo-calmodulin revealed the architecture of this heterodimeric glutamylase. We show that, in cells infected with L. pneumophila, SidJ mediates the glutamylation of SidE enzymes on the surface of vacuoles that contain Legionella. We used quantitative proteomics to uncover multiple host proteins as putative targets of SidJ-mediated glutamylation. Our study reveals the mechanism by which SidE ligases are inhibited by a SidJcalmodulin glutamylase, and opens avenues for exploring an understudied protein modification (glutamylation) in eukaryotes.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1440-8



