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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/15 13:36:31

美国杜克大学医学院Jason W. Locasale牵头的美国联合研究团队取得新进展。他们的最新研究探明了膳食蛋氨酸影响小鼠癌症模型中的治疗、并改变人体新陈代谢。相关论文发表在2019年8月15日出版的《自然》上。




Title: Dietary methionine influences therapy in mouse cancer models and alters human metabolism

Author: Xia Gao, Sydney M. Sanderson, Ziwei Dai, Michael A. Reid, Daniel E. Cooper, Min Lu, John P. Richie, Amy Ciccarella, Ana Calcagnotto, Peter G. Mikhael, Samantha J. Mentch, Juan Liu, Gene Ables, David G. Kirsch, David S. Hsu, Sailendra N. Nichenametla, Jason W. Locasale

Issue&Volume: Volume 572 Issue 7769

Abstract: Nutrition exerts considerable effects on health, and dietary interventions are commonly used to treat diseases of metabolic aetiology. Although cancer has a substantial metabolic component, the principles that define whether nutrition may be used to influence outcomes of cancer are unclear. Nevertheless, it is established that targeting metabolic pathways with pharmacological agents or radiation can sometimes lead to controlled therapeutic outcomes. By contrast, whether specific dietary interventions can influence the metabolic pathways that are targeted in standard cancer therapies is not known. Here we show that dietary restriction of the essential amino acid methioninethe reduction of which has anti-ageing and anti-obesogenic propertiesinfluences cancer outcome, through controlled and reproducible changes to one-carbon metabolism. This pathway metabolizes methionine and is the target of a variety of cancer interventions that involve chemotherapy and radiation. Methionine restriction produced therapeutic responses in two patient-derived xenograft models of chemotherapy-resistant RAS-driven colorectal cancer, and in a mouse model of autochthonous soft-tissue sarcoma driven by a G12D mutation in KRAS and knockout of p53(KrasG12D/+;Trp53-/-)that is resistant to radiation. Metabolomics revealed that the therapeutic mechanisms operate via tumour-cell-autonomous effects on flux through one-carbon metabolism that affects redox and nucleotide metabolismand thus interact with the antimetabolite or radiation intervention. In a controlled and tolerated feeding study in humans, methionine restriction resulted in effects on systemic metabolism that were similar to those obtained in mice. These findings provide evidence that a targeted dietary manipulation can specifically affect tumour-cell metabolism to mediate broad aspects of cancer outcome.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1437-3

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1437-3


