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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/1 18:55:11

近日,来自美国格莱斯顿心血管疾病研究所的Deepak Srivastava和Casey A. Gifford研究组合作利用心脏发生的单细胞测序揭示了器官水平发育缺陷的基础。2019年8月1日出版的《自然》发表了这项成果。




Title: Single-cell analysis of cardiogenesis reveals basis for organ-level developmental defects

Author: T. Yvanka de Soysa, Sanjeev S. Ranade, Satoshi Okawa, Srikanth Ravichandran, Yu Huang, Hazel T. Salunga, Amelia Schricker, Antonio del Sol, Casey A. Gifford, Deepak Srivastava

Issue&Volume: Volume 572 Issue 7767

Abstract: Organogenesis involves integration of diverse cell types; dysregulation of cell-type-specific gene networks results in birth defects, which affect 5% of live births. Congenital heart defects are the most common malformations, and result from disruption of discrete subsets of cardiac progenitor cells, but the transcriptional changes in individual progenitors that lead to organ-level defects remain unknown. Here we used single-cell RNA sequencing to interrogate early cardiac progenitor cells as they become specified during normal and abnormal cardiogenesis, revealing how dysregulation of specific cellular subpopulations has catastrophic consequences. A network-based computational method for single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis that predicts lineage-specifying transcription factors identified Hand2 as a specifier of outflow tract cells but not right ventricular cells, despite the failure of right ventricular formation in Hand2-null mice. Temporal single-cell-transcriptome analysis of Hand2-null embryos revealed failure of outflow tract myocardium specification, whereas right ventricular myocardium was specified but failed to properly differentiate and migrate. Loss of Hand2 also led to dysregulation of retinoic acid signalling and disruption of anteriorposterior patterning of cardiac progenitors. This work reveals transcriptional determinants that specify fate and differentiation in individual cardiac progenitor cells, and exposes mechanisms of disrupted cardiac development at single-cell resolution, providing a framework for investigating congenital heart defects.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1414-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1414-x


