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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/7/9 13:40:36

近日,基因体研究中心李文华研究组的最新研究揭示了高糖通过影响一些关键酶的O-乙酰氨基葡萄糖化(O-GlcNAcylation)修饰触发核苷酸失衡,并诱发胰腺细胞中的KRAS基因突变。相关论文发表在2019年6月出版的《Cell Metabolism》杂志上。




Title: High Glucose Triggers Nucleotide Imbalance through O-GlcNAcylation of Key Enzymes and Induces KRAS Mutation in Pancreatic Cells

Author: Chun-Mei Hu, Sui-Chih Tien, Ping-Kun Hsieh, Yung-Ming Jeng, Ming-Chu Chang, Yu-Ting Chang, Yi-Ju Chen, Yu-Ju Chen, Eva Y.-H.P. Lee, Wen-Hwa Lee

Issue&Volume: Jun 04, 2019 Volume 29Issue 6

Abstract: KRAS mutations are the earliest events found in approximately 90% of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs). However, little is known as to why KRAS mutations preferentially occur in PDACs and what processes/factors generate these mutations. While abnormal carbohydrate metabolism is associated with a high risk of pancreatic cancer, it remains elusive whether a direct relationship between KRAS mutations and sugar metabolism exists. Here, we show that under high-glucose conditions, cellular O-GlcNAcylation is significantly elevated in pancreatic cells that exhibit lower phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity than other cell types. This post-translational modification specifically compromises the ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) activity, leading to deficiency in dNTP pools, genomic DNA alterations with KRAS mutations, and cellular transformation. These results establish a mechanistic link between a perturbed sugar metabolism and genomic instability that induces de novo oncogenic KRAS mutations preferentially in pancreatic cells.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2019.02.005

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(19)30069-5


Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:22.415
