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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/7/30 10:22:47

加州大学旧金山分校的Yuriy Kirichok小组的一项最新研究认为,氢离子转运是线粒体ADP/ATP载体的一个重要功能。相关论文发表在2019年7月25日出版的《自然》杂志上。

该研究组通过在多组小鼠组织中直接记录线粒体内膜AAC电流,确定了两种不同的转运模式:ADP / ATP交换和H+转运。AAC介导的 H+电流需要游离脂肪酸,类似于在棕色脂肪中通过产热解偶联蛋白1导致H+泄漏。通过AAC的ADP / ATP交换能够负向调节H+泄漏,但不能完全抑制它。研究表明,通过动态控制细胞ATP需求和ADP / ATP交换的速度,可以有效控制H+泄漏和线粒体解偶联。通过介导的两种不同的转运模式:ADP / ATP交换和H+泄漏,AAC连接线粒体中的偶联(ATP产生)和非偶联(产热)能量转换。

据了解,线粒体ADP / ATP载体(AAC)是线粒体内膜的主要运输蛋白。它起着交换线粒体ATP与细胞溶质ADP的作用,进而控制细胞所产生的ATP。此外,有人提出,AAC介导线粒体解偶联,但该功能很难得到证明,相关机制也难以阐明。



Title: H + transport is an integral function of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier

Author: Ambre M. Bertholet, Edward T. Chouchani, Lawrence Kazak, Alessia Angelin, Andriy Fedorenko, Jonathan Z. Long, Sara Vidoni, Ryan Garrity, Joonseok Cho, Naohiro Terada, Douglas C. Wallace, Bruce M. Spiegelman, Yuriy Kirichok

Issue&Volume: Volume 571 Issue 7766

Abstract: The mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) is a major transport protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane. It exchanges mitochondrial ATP for cytosolic ADP and controls cellular production of ATP. In addition, it has been proposed that AAC mediates mitochondrial uncoupling, but it has proven difficult to demonstrate this function or to elucidate its mechanisms. Here we record AAC currents directly from inner mitochondrial membranes from various mouse tissues and identify two distinct transport modes: ADP/ATP exchange and H+ transport. The AAC-mediated H+ current requires free fatty acids and resembles the H+ leak via the thermogenic uncoupling protein 1 found in brown fat. The ADP/ATP exchange via AAC negatively regulates the H+ leak, but does not completely inhibit it. This suggests that the H+ leak and mitochondrial uncoupling could be dynamically controlled by cellular ATP demand and the rate of ADP/ATP exchange. By mediating two distinct transport modes, ADP/ATP exchange and H+ leak, AAC connects coupled (ATP production) and uncoupled (thermogenesis) energy conversion in mitochondria.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1400-3



