近日,加拿大约克大学教授Mathieu JP Poirier及其课题组对1970年至2015年71个国家的烟草消费量进行了估算,通过系统性收集可比数据,以促进对国家和全球烟草控制干预措施进行准实验性评估。 相关论文发表在2019年6月19日出版的《英国医学杂志》杂志上。
据报道,烟草消费是世界上主要的可预防死亡原因之一,每年有600万例可预防死亡。在本研究之前,公开的卷烟消费数据有限,一些数据不适用于准实验性影响评估(模型数据)、一些数据是由公司私人持有(专有数据),或一些数据广泛分布于许多国家统计机构和研究机构(分类数据)。 研究者为了收集、估量、选择和报告自1970年来最可能获得的国家烟草消费量估算,对可比数据进行了系统性收集。
Title: Cigarette consumption estimates for 71 countries from 1970 to 2015: systematic collection of comparable data to facilitate quasi-experimental evaluations of national and global tobacco control interventions
Author: Steven J Hoffman, professor, Jessica Mammone, research assistant, Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, managing research fellow, Lathika Sritharan, research manager, Maxwell Tran, research assistant, Safa Al-Khateeb, research assistant, Andrej Grjibovski, coordinator, Elliot Gunn, research assistant, Sara Kamali-Anaraki, research assistant, Ben Li, research assistant, Mathura Mahendren, research assistant, Yasmeen Mansoor, research assistant, Navneet Natt, research assistant, Ejike Nwokoro, coordinator, Harkanwal Randhawa, research assistant, Melodie Yunju Song, research assistant, Kelsey Vercammen, research assistant, Carolyne Wang, research assistant, Julia Woo, research assistant, Mathieu JP Poirier, assistant professor
Issue&Volume: vol 365,issue 8204,2019
Objectives To collect, appraise, select, and report the best available national estimates of cigarette consumption since 1970.
Design Systematic collection of comparable data.
Setting and population 71 of 214 countries for which searches for national cigarette consumption data were conducted, representing over 95% of global cigarette consumption and 85% of the world’s population.
Main outcome measures Validated cigarette consumption data covering 1970-2015 were identified for 71 countries. Data quality appraisal was conducted by two research team members in duplicate, with greatest weight given to official government sources. All data were standardised into units of cigarettes consumed per year in each country, a detailed accounting of data quality and sourcing was prepared, and all collected data and metadata were made freely available in an open access dataset.
Results Cigarette consumption fell in most countries over the past three decades but trends in country specific consumption were highly variable. For example, China consumed 2.5 million metric tonnes (MMT) of cigarettes in 2013, more than Russia (0.36 MMT), the United States (0.28 MMT), Indonesia (0.28 MMT), Japan (0.20 MMT), and the next 35 highest consuming countries combined. The US and Japan achieved reductions of more than 0.1 MMT from a decade earlier, whereas Russian consumption plateaued, and Chinese and Indonesian consumption increased by 0.75 MMT and 0.1 MMT, respectively. These data generally concord with modelled country level data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and have the additional advantage of not smoothing year-over-year discontinuities that are necessary for robust quasi-experimental impact evaluations.
Conclusions Before this study, publicly available data on cigarette consumption have been limited; they have been inappropriate for quasi-experimental impact evaluations (modelled data), held privately by companies (proprietary data), or widely dispersed across many national statistical agencies and research organisations (disaggregated data). This new dataset confirms that cigarette consumption has decreased in most countries over the past three decades, but that secular country specific consumption trends are highly variable. The findings underscore the need for more robust processes in data reporting, ideally built into international legal instruments or other mandated processes. To monitor the impact of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and other tobacco control interventions, data on national tobacco production, trade, and sales should be routinely collected and openly reported.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l2231
Source: https://www.bmj.com/content/365/bmj.l2231
BMJ-British Medical Journal:《英国医学杂志》,创刊于1840年。隶属于BMJ出版集团,最新IF:27.604