新加坡A-STAR研究所的Florent Ginhoux研究组揭示了浆细胞样树突状细胞由不同于髓系的Ly6D+淋巴祖细胞发育而来。该项研究成果发表在2019年7月出版的《自然—免疫学》上。
通过单细胞转录组学、质谱、体内细胞命运示踪以及体外克隆分析等手段,研究人员发现,在单细胞层面,小鼠造血祖细胞向pDC谱系的分化发生在共同淋巴祖细胞的阶段,这也就表明pDC和cDC谱系在分化早期就发生分支。研究人员进一步定义了pDC前体细胞阶段的转录特征,即存在于IL-7R+的共同淋巴祖细胞亚群中,并以Ly6D、IL-7R、CD81 和CD2作为pDC分化的关键标志物,这些特征将pDC的前体细胞区别于cDC的前体细胞。总而言之,这项工作表明,pDC在骨髓中由一群Ly6D和CD2高表达的淋巴祖细胞发育而来,并且不同于髓系来源的cDC的分化过程。
Title: Plasmacytoid dendritic cells develop from Ly6D + lymphoid progenitors distinct from the myeloid lineage
Author: Regine J. Dress, Charles-Antoine Dutertre, Amir Giladi, Andreas Schlitzer, Ivy Low, Nurhidaya Binte Shadan, Alicia Tay, Josephine Lum, Muhammad Faris Bin Mohd Kairi, You Yi Hwang, Etienne Becht, Yang Cheng, Marion Chevrier, Anis Larbi, Evan W. Newell, Ido Amit, Jinmiao Chen, Florent Ginhoux
Issue&Volume: Volume 20 Issue 7, July 2019
Abstract: Dendritic cells (DC) are currently classified as conventional DCs (cDCs) and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs). Through a combination of single-cell transcriptomic analysis, mass cytometry, in vivo fate mapping and in vitro clonal assays, here we show that, at the single-cell level, the priming of mouse hematopoietic progenitor cells toward the pDC lineage occurs at the common lymphoid progenitor stage, indicative of early divergence of the pDC and cDC lineages. We found the transcriptional signature of a pDC precursor stage, defined here, in the IL-7R+ common lymphoid progenitor population and identified Ly6D, IL-7R, CD81 and CD2 as key markers of pDC differentiation, which distinguish pDC precursors from cDC precursors. In conclusion, pDCs developed in the bone marrow from a Ly6DhiCD2hi lymphoid progenitor cell and differentiated independently of the myeloid cDC lineage.
DOI: 10.1038/s41590-019-0420-3
Nature Immunology:《自然—免疫学》,创刊于2000年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:23.53