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GenomeAsia 100K项目研究成果发布
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/12/6 11:06:45

GenomeAsia 100K项目计划测序并分析10万例亚洲个体的基因组。相关论文2019年12月4日发表在《自然》上。




Title: The GenomeAsia 100K Project enables genetic discoveries across Asia

Author: GenomeAsiaK

Issue&Volume: 2019-12-04

Abstract: The underrepresentation of non-Europeans in human genetic studies so far has limited the diversity of individuals in genomic datasets and led to reduced medical relevance for a large proportion of the worlds population. Population-specific reference genome datasets as well as genome-wide association studies in diverse populations are needed to address this issue. Here we describe the pilot phase of the GenomeAsia 100K Project. This includes a whole-genome sequencing reference dataset from 1,739 individuals of 219 population groups and 64 countries across Asia. We catalogue genetic variation, population structure, disease associations and founder effects. We also explore the use of this dataset in imputation, to facilitate genetic studies in populations across Asia and worldwide. Using whole-genome sequencing data from 1,739 individuals, the GenomeAsia 100K Project catalogues genetic variation, population structure and disease associations to facilitate genetic studies in Asian populations and increase representation in genetics studies worldwide.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1793-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1793-z


