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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/12/14 21:52:17

近日,瑞典皇家理工学院Joakim Lundeberg、Michaela Asp等研究人员合作绘制了人类心脏发育的时空器官尺度基因表达和细胞图谱。这一研究成果于2019年12月12日发表在国际学术期刊《细胞》上。




Title: A Spatiotemporal Organ-Wide Gene Expression and Cell Atlas of the Developing Human Heart

Author: Michaela Asp, Stefania Giacomello, Ludvig Larsson, Chenglin Wu, Daniel Fürth, Xiaoyan Qian, Eva Wrdell, Joaquin Custodio, Johan Reimegrd, Fredrik Salmén, Cecilia sterholm, Patrik L. Sthl, Erik Sundstrm, Elisabet kesson, Olaf Bergmann, Magda Bienko, Agneta Mnsson-Broberg, Mats Nilsson, Christer Sylvén, Joakim Lundeberg

Issue&Volume: 2019/12/12

Abstract: The process of cardiac morphogenesis in humans is incompletely understood. Its fullcharacterization requires a deep exploration of the organ-wide orchestration of geneexpression with a single-cell spatial resolution. Here, we present a molecular approachthat reveals the comprehensive transcriptional landscape of cell types populatingthe embryonic heart at three developmental stages and that maps cell-type-specificgene expression to specific anatomical domains. Spatial transcriptomics identifiedunique gene profiles that correspond to distinct anatomical regions in each developmentalstage. Human embryonic cardiac cell types identified by single-cell RNA sequencingconfirmed and enriched the spatial annotation of embryonic cardiac gene expression.In situ sequencing was then used to refine these results and create a spatial subcellularmap for the three developmental phases. Finally, we generated a publicly availableweb resource of the human developing heart to facilitate future studies on human cardiogenesis.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.025

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31282-6

