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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/12/14 21:52:15

德国慕尼黑大学Ali Ertürk课题利用深度学习揭示了全身性癌症转移和治疗性抗体靶标。相关论文于2019年12月12日发表于国际学术期刊《细胞》。




Title: Deep Learning Reveals Cancer Metastasis and Therapeutic Antibody Targeting in the Entire Body

Author: Chenchen Pan, Oliver Schoppe, Arnaldo Parra-Damas, Ruiyao Cai, Mihail Ivilinov Todorov, Gabor Gondi, Bettina von Neubeck, Nuray Bürcü-Seidel, Sascha Seidel, Katia Sleiman, Christian Veltkamp, Benjamin Frstera, Hongcheng Mai, Zhouyi Rong, Omelyan Trompak, Alireza Ghasemigharagoz, Madita Alice Reimer, Angel M. Cuesta, Javier Coronel, Irmela Jeremias, Dieter Saur, Amparo Acker-Palmer, Till Acker, Boyan K. Garvalov, Bjoern Menze, Reinhard Zeidler, Ali Ertürk

Issue&Volume: 2019/12/12

Abstract: Reliable detection of disseminated tumor cells and of the biodistribution of tumor-targetingtherapeutic antibodies within the entire body has long been needed to better understandand treat cancer metastasis. Here, we developed an integrated pipeline for automatedquantification of cancer metastases and therapeutic antibody targeting, named DeepMACT.First, we enhanced the fluorescent signal of cancer cells more than 100-fold by applyingthe vDISCO method to image metastasis in transparent mice. Second, we developed deeplearning algorithms for automated quantification of metastases with an accuracy matchinghuman expert manual annotation. Deep learning-based quantification in 5 differentmetastatic cancer models including breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer with distinctorganotropisms allowed us to systematically analyze features such as size, shape,spatial distribution, and the degree to which metastases are targeted by a therapeuticmonoclonal antibody in entire mice. DeepMACT can thus considerably improve the discoveryof effective antibody-based therapeutics at the pre-clinical stage.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.013

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31269-3

