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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/12/14 21:45:44

美国毕格罗海洋科学实验室Ramunas Stepanauskas研究团队通过单细胞基因组学对海洋微生物群落的复杂性进行了绘制。该项研究成果发表在2019年12月12日出版的《细胞》上。


为了提高对这个复杂的微生物组的了解,研究人员采用了单细胞基因组学和随机、与假设无关的细胞选择策略,从热带和亚热带常绿海洋中恢复了12,715个部分基因组。从单个0.4 mL海洋样本中回收了相当一部分已知的原核浮游生物编码潜能,这表明基因组信息可有效地分散在全球范围内。然而,研究人员发现每个基因组都是独特的,这意味着原核浮游生物种群内的克隆性有限。跨谱系的采光和次生代谢产物生物合成途径众多,突出了单细胞基因组学对促进未培养微生物群的生态作用和生物技术潜力的鉴定的价值。该基因组收集可对来自热带和亚热带表层海洋的80%以上的单个元基因组读段进行功能注释和属类分类分配,从而为改善复杂微生物组的参考基因组数据库提供了模型。


Title: Charting the Complexity of the Marine Microbiome through Single-Cell Genomics

Author: Maria G. Pachiadaki, Julia M. Brown, Joseph Brown, Oliver Bezuidt, Paul M. Berube, Steven J. Biller, Nicole J. Poulton, Michael D. Burkart, James J. La Clair, Sallie W. Chisholm, Ramunas Stepanauskas

Issue&Volume: 2019/12/12

Abstract: Marine bacteria and archaea play key roles in global biogeochemistry. To improve ourunderstanding of this complex microbiome, we employed single-cell genomics and a randomized,hypothesis-agnostic cell selection strategy to recover 12,715 partial genomes fromthe tropical and subtropical euphotic ocean. A substantial fraction of known prokaryoplanktoncoding potential was recovered from a single, 0.4 mL ocean sample, which indicatesthat genomic information disperses effectively across the globe. Yet, we found eachgenome to be unique, implying limited clonality within prokaryoplankton populations.Light harvesting and secondary metabolite biosynthetic pathways were numerous acrosslineages, highlighting the value of single-cell genomics to advance the identificationof ecological roles and biotechnology potential of uncultured microbial groups. Thisgenome collection enabled functional annotation and genus-level taxonomic assignmentsfor >80% of individual metagenome reads from the tropical and subtropical surfaceocean, thus offering a model to improve reference genome databases for complex microbiomes.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.017

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31273-5

