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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/12/14 21:44:30


研究人员表示,精子发生是一个高度编排的发育过程,在此过程中染色质浓缩使转录与翻译脱钩。生精mRNA较早转录并以翻译惰性状态保存,直到需要翻译时为止。然而,目前仍不清楚在精子发生过程中这种抑制的mRNA如何被激活。 研究人员以前曾报道过,MIWI/piRNA机制负责后期精子发生过程中的mRNA消除,以准备生产精子。



Title: A Translation-Activating Function of MIWI/piRNA during Mouse Spermiogenesis

Author: Peng Dai, Xin Wang, Lan-Tao Gou, Zhi-Tong Li, Ze Wen, Zong-Gui Chen, Min-Min Hua, Ai Zhong, Lingbo Wang, Haiyang Su, Huida Wan, Kun Qian, Lujian Liao, Jinsong Li, Bin Tian, Dangsheng Li, Xiang-Dong Fu, Hui-Juan Shi, Yu Zhou, Mo-Fang Liu

Issue&Volume: 2019/12/12

Abstract: Spermiogenesis is a highly orchestrated developmental process during which chromatincondensation decouples transcription from translation. Spermiogenic mRNAs are transcribedearlier and stored in a translationally inert state until needed for translation;however, it remains largely unclear how such repressed mRNAs become activated duringspermiogenesis. We previously reported that the MIWI/piRNA machinery is responsiblefor mRNA elimination during late spermiogenesis in preparation for spermatozoa production.Here we unexpectedly discover that the same machinery is also responsible for activatingtranslation of a subset of spermiogenic mRNAs to coordinate with morphological transformationinto spermatozoa. Such action requires specific base-pairing interactions of piRNAswith target mRNAs in their 3′ UTRs, which activates translation through coupling withcis-acting AU-rich elements to nucleate the formation of a MIWI/piRNA/eIF3f/HuR super-complexin a developmental stage-specific manner. These findings reveal a critical role ofthe piRNA system in translation activation, which we show is functionally requiredfor spermatid development.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.022

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31278-4

