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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/29 13:04:27

匈牙利科学院Gábor Nyiri研究小组的一项最新工作发现,中缝核调控小鼠对于负面体验的获取。相关论文于2019年11月29日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》。

研究人员发现,在小鼠中缝核区域(MRR)中表达vGluT2蛋白(vesicular glutamate transporter 2)的大量兴奋性神经元,从几个与经历相关的负面经验相关脑中枢接收输入,并投射到主要的厌恶中心,从而激活了对于学习不良事件关键的septohippocampal系统。


相比之下,其抑制损害了背景相关的和暗示恐惧的记忆形成。这些结果表明,MRR vGluT2神经元对于获得负面体验至关重要,并且可能在与抑郁症相关的情绪障碍中发挥重要作用。



Title: Median raphe controls acquisition of negative experience in the mouse

Author: András Sznyi, Krisztián Zichó, Albert M. Barth, Roland T. Gnczi, Dániel Schlingloff, Bibiána Trk, Eszter Sipos, Abel Major, Zsuzsanna Bardóczi, Katalin E. Sos, Attila I. Gulyás, Viktor Varga, Dóra Zelena, Tamás F. Freund, Gábor Nyiri

Issue&Volume: 2019/11/29

Abstract: Adverse events need to be quickly evaluated and memorized, yet how these processes are coordinated is poorly understood. We discovered a large population of excitatory neurons in mouse median raphe region (MRR) expressing vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (vGluT2) that received inputs from several negative experience–related brain centers, projected to the main aversion centers, and activated the septohippocampal system pivotal for learning of adverse events. These neurons were selectively activated by aversive but not rewarding stimuli. Their stimulation induced place aversion, aggression, depression-related anhedonia, and suppression of reward-seeking behavior and memory acquisition–promoting hippocampal theta oscillations. By contrast, their suppression impaired both contextual and cued fear memory formation. These results suggest that MRR vGluT2 neurons are crucial for the acquisition of negative experiences and may play a central role in depression-related mood disorders.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aay8746

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6469/eaay8746

