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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/29 12:54:38

美国纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症研究中心M. R. M. van den Brink、J. U. Peled等研究人员合作发现,乳糖引起肠球菌扩增,从而促进移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)。相关论文于2019年11月28日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》。






Title: Lactose drives Enterococcus expansion to promote graft-versus-host disease

Author: C. K. Stein-Thoeringer, K. B. Nichols, A. Lazrak, M. D. Docampo, A. E. Slingerland, J. B. Slingerland, A. G. Clurman, G. Armijo, A. L. C. Gomes, Y. Shono, A. Staffas, M. Burgos da Silva, S. M. Devlin, K. A. Markey, D. Bajic, R. Pinedo, A. Tsakmaklis, E. R. Littmann, A. Pastore, Y. Taur, S. Monette, M. E. Arcila, A. J. Pickard, M. Maloy, R. J. Wright, L. A. Amoretti, E. Fontana, D. Pham, M. A. Jamal, D. Weber, A. D. Sung, D. Hashimoto, C. Scheid, J. B. Xavier, J. A. Messina, K. Romero, M. Lew, A. Bush, L. Bohannon, K. Hayasaka, Y. Hasegawa, M. J. G. T. Vehreschild, J. R. Cross, D. M. Ponce, M. A. Perales, S. A. Giralt, R. R. Jenq, T. Teshima, E. Holler

Issue&Volume: 2019/11/29

Abstract: Disruption of intestinal microbial communities appears to underlie many human illnesses, but the mechanisms that promote this dysbiosis and its adverse consequences are poorly understood. In patients who received allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT), we describe a high incidence of enterococcal expansion, which was associated with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and mortality. We found that Enterococcus also expands in the mouse gastrointestinal tract after allo-HCT and exacerbates disease severity in gnotobiotic models. Enterococcus growth is dependent on the disaccharide lactose, and dietary lactose depletion attenuates Enterococcus outgrowth and reduces the severity of GVHD in mice. Allo-HCT patients carrying lactose-nonabsorber genotypes showed compromised clearance of postantibiotic Enterococcus domination. We report lactose as a common nutrient that drives expansion of a commensal bacterium that exacerbates an intestinal and systemic inflammatory disease.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aax3760

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6469/1143

